Participant list is in order based on when I received your sign-up information.
Karen of Bitter~Sweet
Martin Wood of Diabetically Speaking
Ashley Rose of Tales of SWAGing
Kate Cornell of Sweet Success
Rachel of ProbablyRachel
Celine of Running on Carbs
Kelly Booth of Trials & Tribulations of Being a Type 1 Diabetic
Leighann of D-Mom Blog of D-Mom Blog
Dustin of Deejays Beets
Lorraine and Caleb of This is Caleb...
Sue/RFamHere of RFamHere's Ramblings
Daisy of Diabetic Dais
Shannon Marengo of No More Shots for Shannon
Sara of Moments of Wonderful
Sysy Morales of The Girl's Guide to Diabetes
Kim Vlasnik of Texting My Pancreas
Rachel C. of One Third of a Muffin
Melissa T of Type1@18
Penny of A Sweet Grace
Abby Bayer of SixUntilMe
Karen Hoffman / @kahoffman of Blah Blah Bklyn
Beatriz of Cranky Pancreas
Ilana Lucas of Diaturgy
Maria Q of Climbing Diabetes
Marie Smith of Joy Benchmarks
Melissa Lee of Sweetly Voiced
Sarah of smartDpants - a girl with a dumb pancreas, a smart mouth, & some thoughts about living with type 1 diabetes.
Jasmine of Silver-Lined
Leah - lovehatediabetes of lovehatediabetes
kim of kd(and it's not kraft dinner!)
Julie Persinger of The Persnickety Pancreas
Shannon Eichelberger of An American In Dublin
The Piquant Storyteller of Based on a True Story
Kiraina Young of Sugar4me
Melissa E of In The Short Rows
Heather Garcia Queen of Insulin Resilience
Jen Aragon of Blood, Sweat & Carbs
Jim Kopriva of Extend Nutrition Blog
George Simmons of Ninjabetic
Gina Capone of Diabetes Talkfest
Janet of Diabetes Soul
Colleen of d-meanderings
Ronnie Gregory of The Poor Diabetic
StephenS of Happy-Medium.net
Nikki McG of Di-ritis: Life with type one diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis
kathy of my new islets
Tarra Robinson of My crazy life with my diabetic service dog.
Renza Scibilia of Diabetogenic
Katie of 1LittlePrick
tkafin of forthegoodofwhom
Faith @ Sweetened Style of Sweetened Style
betespora (jeff) of Betespora - Because Betes Will Not Stop Us
Amber of Amber Cliff Notes
Denise aka Mom of Bean of My Sweet Bean and Her Pod
Jocelyn Foster of Alberta Diabetic Girl
Jess of Me and D
Mydiabeticjourney of My Diabetic Journey
Mike of Every day ups and downs
Barb Wagstaff of Diabetes Advocacy
Elizabeth Breiner of Welcome To My Diabetic Life
Jessica of Pancreas on Strike
Tilly of Ironic Sweetness
Briley of InDpendence
Richard of My fun with my insulin pump
Jessica Apple of The Natural Diabetic
Lindsey Guerin of Lindsey Guerin on Blogabetes
Pearlsa of A Girl's Reflections
Amy Tenderich, Allison Blass, Mike Hoskins of DiabetesMine
Liz C. of Type Wondering
Missy Sams of Miss Miss's Blog
Stephanie of Bajan Sugar
Tony Rose of Blogging Diabetes
Michelle Gonzalez of Tightrope Tango
Kelly "k2" Kunik of Diabetesalicious
Sarah of Insulin Pens Don't Have Ink
Shara Bialo of Diabetic Doc
Bonni of A New Tradition
Vera of Pricked Finger in the Pie
Nicole of The We CARA Lot Blog
Kerri Sparling of Six Until Me
Lee Ann Thill of The Butter Compartment
Rachel of Tales of Rachel
Laura Houston of Houston We Have a Problem
Amy of Naturally Sweet Sisters
Jacquie Wojcik of Typical Type 1
Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman of Facing Diabetes
Kate Boylan of Tenaciously Sweet
Becky Thomson of Instructions Not Included
Ann Bartlett of healthcentral.com
Ashley of Random Ramblings
Victoria Cumbow of Dia-Beat-This
Russell Stamets of russell.stamets
Blue Heel Society of Blue Heel Society
Katy Killilea of Bigfoot Child Have Diabetes
Tina Conaty of act1diabetes
Lisa of Sweet In The Middle
Brian Q. of (Buzz, Buzz) Not My Cell
Amy G. of Two Too Sweet
Amelia Schwiebert of Dog Goes to College
Regina of Busy Bag - Diabetes on the GO!
Mike Durbin of My Diabetic Heart
Zakary W. of Raising Colorado
Kelli Smith of DiabetesMomof2
Jesica of Journey into type 1
Moira McCarthy of Despite Diabetes
Hannah McDonald of Dorkabetic
Dianna of Dianna's Voice
Hilary of rainieandme
Naomi of Diabeteen
hannah of the bad diabetic
Jamie of Jamie's Bloody Beautiful Life with Type 1 Diabetes
Joslin Blog Community of Joslin Diabetes Blog
Beth Krempasky of A Diabetic Life
Katrina Huckabay of Insulin Princess
Andrea Borchgardt of Random Thoughts
Bob Pedersen of T Minus Two
Beth Scanlon of Seeking Six
Cara of Every Day, Every Hour, Every Minute
Nick Henderson of Diabetes in Board Shorts
Wendy of Candy Hearts
Chelcie Rice of How to Suck at Comedy
Chris Stocker of The Life of a Diabetic
Nina of Sick and Pretty
Alecia Wesner of Surface Fine
Sylvia White of ParentingDiabetes
Drew of MyT1d
Charli1point5 of A Day in the Life
Kate of Sugar Rollercoaster
Stephanie DiChiara of RobotPancreasAttack
Sophie Harrison of Balancing Act
Alexis Newell of The Chronicle's Of D-Boy & Ribbon
Janet K of Janet's Self-help Book
Shannon of The Diabetes Collective
Roger of The Diabetes Collective
Scott K. Johnson of The Diabetes Collective
Jewels of She Sugar
Bridget Winter of Bridget Writes
Christina Ruibal of Something Like a Duck
Leo of Diabetes Almighty
Ciara of Sweetest Motivation
Shari Navetta of Everyday highs and lows
christina ghosn of Momof2t1s
Helen Edwards of Diabetes Online
Sara Tiffany of Adventures and Experiments in Type 1 Diabetes
Angie of Organised Chaos
Maryna E of Living with Diabetes
shannon of neurotic city
Jeff Mather of Jeff Mather's Dispatches
Christopher Angell of Don't Fear Diabetes
True Botanica of True Botanica Blog
Kirsten of Pretty Pancreas
Tedmax of JazzyTed
Scott K. Johnson of Scott's Diabetes
Michael Sean of Mighty Michael - Diabetes Doesn't Stand A Chance
Erin of The Insulin Crowd
Scully of Canadian D-gal
Pam Osborne of Adventures In Diabetes Parenting
Joanne of Death of a Pancreas
FX Zavorski of Diabetes Health Web
Carol Early Cooney of The 9 Inch Plate
Valerie Anne Fontaine of DiabeticallyYours
Emily K of darnyoupancreas
Jodi Vorwald of Jo-pouri
Marcie Montoya of My Pancreas Hates Me
Bob of T Minus Two
Teapot-Diabetic of Teapot Diabetic
Craig Trujillo of craigtrujillo
KC's Mom of KC & Company
Sweets of as sweet as it gets
Meri of Our Diabetic Life
Angela Lee of bloodsugarwitch
Jo of fingerpricker
Sara of Excess baggage rates will apply
Scott E of Rolling in the D
Aliza Chana of Aliza with Diabetes
Heidi of The D-Log Cabin
Stacey D. of The Girl with the Portable Pancreas
Naomi Kingery of The Diabetic Diva
Amy Hogan of Type 1 Today
Leslie Guarino of Type 1 Demystified
Hallie of The Princess and The Pump
Stacey Yoder of Tetontinkerin'
Danielle Rawlings of WifeMomPancreas
Kayla Brown of Kayla's Life Notes
Tricia L of Battery Operated Pancreas
Krystin Clark of Adventures In Parenting A Diabetic
Scott Benner of Arden's Day
Vickie of The Type 1 Team
Jane K. Dickinson of It's All About Balance
Alan of Poems for Active Diabetics
Corina of SugarCubes
Ilse of DailyBetes
MyBustedPancreas of My Busted Pancreas: My Adventures on the Glucocoaster, With a Side of Snark
Misty of Life is Like a Box of Chocolates
Paige Barnes of Glucosphere
Lili of Livin' La Vida LADA
Shamae of Crazy-Happy-Life
Type One Way of Type One Way
Lisa of Lisa From Scratch
Jackmom of eSPECIALly NEEDed
Becca Schwoch of SingleWhiteDiabetic
Alaina Dean of Juvenile Diabetes Journey
Lauren Nygard of Lauren Nygard Photography
Tasha of blondediabetic
Caroline S. of Chortling Towards Bethlehem
Suzanne Silkworth of Welcome to the Silky Way
Jamie M. of Finding Our New Normal
Colleen of Life in LADA land
Amy R of LIFE between the fingersticks
Richard Laskey of words::Diabetes
Carilyn Libysen of Diapers & Diabetes
Judie Harer of Mrs. Harer's Hollow
Community members of Diabetic Connect
Lynn of Ninja Lima Bean
Percella Scarpinato of DAD 4 two Boys
katy of Diabetes Cuteness
Queenie of Life of Queenie
Rosaland Hannibal of Soulful Creating
Christopher Snider of A Consequence of Hypoglycemia
#dsma of Diabetes Social Media Advocacy
Megan of Mama 'beetus
Bethany of God's Sweet Princess
Shay of just same changes
Richard Vaughn of Richard's Rambling Review
Carrie of My Unemployed Pancreas
Dianne De Mink of Diabetes DeLight
Karin Bowman of Controllin' The 'Betes
Jillian of All Ways Jillian
Jillian Brown of Daily Diabetic
Brian Davis of D-Dad - Living with D on so many levels!
Liza Cardinal Hand of L'Oiseau Transforme
KC Owens of Journey of a Diabetic Alert Dog
Reyna Maher of BETA BUDDIES
Julie DeFruscio of Our Life With Children & Diabetes
Jake of Growing up with diabetes
Hakima of TuDiabetes
Megan Patrick of Type 1x3 That's Me!
Joli Smith of Sweet Child of Mine
Erin of blessings & adventures w. Erin
Amy @ The Sugar Sharks of The Sugar Sharks
Martin Wood of Diabetically Speaking
Ashley Rose of Tales of SWAGing
Kate Cornell of Sweet Success
Rachel of ProbablyRachel
Celine of Running on Carbs
Kelly Booth of Trials & Tribulations of Being a Type 1 Diabetic
Leighann of D-Mom Blog of D-Mom Blog
Dustin of Deejays Beets
Lorraine and Caleb of This is Caleb...
Sue/RFamHere of RFamHere's Ramblings
Daisy of Diabetic Dais
Shannon Marengo of No More Shots for Shannon
Sara of Moments of Wonderful
Sysy Morales of The Girl's Guide to Diabetes
Kim Vlasnik of Texting My Pancreas
Rachel C. of One Third of a Muffin
Melissa T of Type1@18
Penny of A Sweet Grace
Abby Bayer of SixUntilMe
Karen Hoffman / @kahoffman of Blah Blah Bklyn
Beatriz of Cranky Pancreas
Ilana Lucas of Diaturgy
Maria Q of Climbing Diabetes
Marie Smith of Joy Benchmarks
Melissa Lee of Sweetly Voiced
Sarah of smartDpants - a girl with a dumb pancreas, a smart mouth, & some thoughts about living with type 1 diabetes.
Jasmine of Silver-Lined
Leah - lovehatediabetes of lovehatediabetes
kim of kd(and it's not kraft dinner!)
Julie Persinger of The Persnickety Pancreas
Shannon Eichelberger of An American In Dublin
The Piquant Storyteller of Based on a True Story
Kiraina Young of Sugar4me
Melissa E of In The Short Rows
Heather Garcia Queen of Insulin Resilience
Jen Aragon of Blood, Sweat & Carbs
Jim Kopriva of Extend Nutrition Blog
George Simmons of Ninjabetic
Gina Capone of Diabetes Talkfest
Janet of Diabetes Soul
Colleen of d-meanderings
Ronnie Gregory of The Poor Diabetic
StephenS of Happy-Medium.net
Nikki McG of Di-ritis: Life with type one diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis
kathy of my new islets
Tarra Robinson of My crazy life with my diabetic service dog.
Renza Scibilia of Diabetogenic
Katie of 1LittlePrick
tkafin of forthegoodofwhom
Faith @ Sweetened Style of Sweetened Style
betespora (jeff) of Betespora - Because Betes Will Not Stop Us
Amber of Amber Cliff Notes
Denise aka Mom of Bean of My Sweet Bean and Her Pod
Jocelyn Foster of Alberta Diabetic Girl
Jess of Me and D
Mydiabeticjourney of My Diabetic Journey
Mike of Every day ups and downs
Barb Wagstaff of Diabetes Advocacy
Elizabeth Breiner of Welcome To My Diabetic Life
Jessica of Pancreas on Strike
Tilly of Ironic Sweetness
Briley of InDpendence
Richard of My fun with my insulin pump
Jessica Apple of The Natural Diabetic
Lindsey Guerin of Lindsey Guerin on Blogabetes
Pearlsa of A Girl's Reflections
Amy Tenderich, Allison Blass, Mike Hoskins of DiabetesMine
Liz C. of Type Wondering
Missy Sams of Miss Miss's Blog
Stephanie of Bajan Sugar
Tony Rose of Blogging Diabetes
Michelle Gonzalez of Tightrope Tango
Kelly "k2" Kunik of Diabetesalicious
Sarah of Insulin Pens Don't Have Ink
Shara Bialo of Diabetic Doc
Bonni of A New Tradition
Vera of Pricked Finger in the Pie
Nicole of The We CARA Lot Blog
Kerri Sparling of Six Until Me
Lee Ann Thill of The Butter Compartment
Rachel of Tales of Rachel
Laura Houston of Houston We Have a Problem
Amy of Naturally Sweet Sisters
Jacquie Wojcik of Typical Type 1
Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman of Facing Diabetes
Kate Boylan of Tenaciously Sweet
Becky Thomson of Instructions Not Included
Ann Bartlett of healthcentral.com
Ashley of Random Ramblings
Victoria Cumbow of Dia-Beat-This
Russell Stamets of russell.stamets
Blue Heel Society of Blue Heel Society
Katy Killilea of Bigfoot Child Have Diabetes
Tina Conaty of act1diabetes
Lisa of Sweet In The Middle
Brian Q. of (Buzz, Buzz) Not My Cell
Amy G. of Two Too Sweet
Amelia Schwiebert of Dog Goes to College
Regina of Busy Bag - Diabetes on the GO!
Mike Durbin of My Diabetic Heart
Zakary W. of Raising Colorado
Kelli Smith of DiabetesMomof2
Jesica of Journey into type 1
Moira McCarthy of Despite Diabetes
Hannah McDonald of Dorkabetic
Dianna of Dianna's Voice
Hilary of rainieandme
Naomi of Diabeteen
hannah of the bad diabetic
Jamie of Jamie's Bloody Beautiful Life with Type 1 Diabetes
Joslin Blog Community of Joslin Diabetes Blog
Beth Krempasky of A Diabetic Life
Katrina Huckabay of Insulin Princess
Andrea Borchgardt of Random Thoughts
Bob Pedersen of T Minus Two
Beth Scanlon of Seeking Six
Cara of Every Day, Every Hour, Every Minute
Nick Henderson of Diabetes in Board Shorts
Wendy of Candy Hearts
Chelcie Rice of How to Suck at Comedy
Chris Stocker of The Life of a Diabetic
Nina of Sick and Pretty
Alecia Wesner of Surface Fine
Sylvia White of ParentingDiabetes
Drew of MyT1d
Charli1point5 of A Day in the Life
Kate of Sugar Rollercoaster
Stephanie DiChiara of RobotPancreasAttack
Sophie Harrison of Balancing Act
Alexis Newell of The Chronicle's Of D-Boy & Ribbon
Janet K of Janet's Self-help Book
Shannon of The Diabetes Collective
Roger of The Diabetes Collective
Scott K. Johnson of The Diabetes Collective
Jewels of She Sugar
Bridget Winter of Bridget Writes
Christina Ruibal of Something Like a Duck
Leo of Diabetes Almighty
Ciara of Sweetest Motivation
Shari Navetta of Everyday highs and lows
christina ghosn of Momof2t1s
Helen Edwards of Diabetes Online
Sara Tiffany of Adventures and Experiments in Type 1 Diabetes
Angie of Organised Chaos
Maryna E of Living with Diabetes
shannon of neurotic city
Jeff Mather of Jeff Mather's Dispatches
Christopher Angell of Don't Fear Diabetes
True Botanica of True Botanica Blog
Kirsten of Pretty Pancreas
Tedmax of JazzyTed
Scott K. Johnson of Scott's Diabetes
Michael Sean of Mighty Michael - Diabetes Doesn't Stand A Chance
Erin of The Insulin Crowd
Scully of Canadian D-gal
Pam Osborne of Adventures In Diabetes Parenting
Joanne of Death of a Pancreas
FX Zavorski of Diabetes Health Web
Carol Early Cooney of The 9 Inch Plate
Valerie Anne Fontaine of DiabeticallyYours
Emily K of darnyoupancreas
Jodi Vorwald of Jo-pouri
Marcie Montoya of My Pancreas Hates Me
Bob of T Minus Two
Teapot-Diabetic of Teapot Diabetic
Craig Trujillo of craigtrujillo
KC's Mom of KC & Company
Sweets of as sweet as it gets
Meri of Our Diabetic Life
Angela Lee of bloodsugarwitch
Jo of fingerpricker
Sara of Excess baggage rates will apply
Scott E of Rolling in the D
Aliza Chana of Aliza with Diabetes
Heidi of The D-Log Cabin
Stacey D. of The Girl with the Portable Pancreas
Naomi Kingery of The Diabetic Diva
Amy Hogan of Type 1 Today
Leslie Guarino of Type 1 Demystified
Hallie of The Princess and The Pump
Stacey Yoder of Tetontinkerin'
Danielle Rawlings of WifeMomPancreas
Kayla Brown of Kayla's Life Notes
Tricia L of Battery Operated Pancreas
Krystin Clark of Adventures In Parenting A Diabetic
Scott Benner of Arden's Day
Vickie of The Type 1 Team
Jane K. Dickinson of It's All About Balance
Alan of Poems for Active Diabetics
Corina of SugarCubes
Ilse of DailyBetes
MyBustedPancreas of My Busted Pancreas: My Adventures on the Glucocoaster, With a Side of Snark
Misty of Life is Like a Box of Chocolates
Paige Barnes of Glucosphere
Lili of Livin' La Vida LADA
Shamae of Crazy-Happy-Life
Type One Way of Type One Way
Lisa of Lisa From Scratch
Jackmom of eSPECIALly NEEDed
Becca Schwoch of SingleWhiteDiabetic
Alaina Dean of Juvenile Diabetes Journey
Lauren Nygard of Lauren Nygard Photography
Tasha of blondediabetic
Caroline S. of Chortling Towards Bethlehem
Suzanne Silkworth of Welcome to the Silky Way
Jamie M. of Finding Our New Normal
Colleen of Life in LADA land
Amy R of LIFE between the fingersticks
Richard Laskey of words::Diabetes
Carilyn Libysen of Diapers & Diabetes
Judie Harer of Mrs. Harer's Hollow
Community members of Diabetic Connect
Lynn of Ninja Lima Bean
Percella Scarpinato of DAD 4 two Boys
katy of Diabetes Cuteness
Queenie of Life of Queenie
Rosaland Hannibal of Soulful Creating
Christopher Snider of A Consequence of Hypoglycemia
#dsma of Diabetes Social Media Advocacy
Megan of Mama 'beetus
Bethany of God's Sweet Princess
Shay of just same changes
Richard Vaughn of Richard's Rambling Review
Carrie of My Unemployed Pancreas
Dianne De Mink of Diabetes DeLight
Karin Bowman of Controllin' The 'Betes
Jillian of All Ways Jillian
Jillian Brown of Daily Diabetic
Brian Davis of D-Dad - Living with D on so many levels!
Liza Cardinal Hand of L'Oiseau Transforme
KC Owens of Journey of a Diabetic Alert Dog
Reyna Maher of BETA BUDDIES
Julie DeFruscio of Our Life With Children & Diabetes
Jake of Growing up with diabetes
Hakima of TuDiabetes
Megan Patrick of Type 1x3 That's Me!
Joli Smith of Sweet Child of Mine
Erin of blessings & adventures w. Erin
Amy @ The Sugar Sharks of The Sugar Sharks