My diabetes intuition was blaring yesterday during my site change. When the new site went in, I just had a gut feeling that something was off. And I wondered, do I listen to my diabetes intuition or not? On one hand, I’d hate to pull a perfectly good site because I had a feeling but no proof. And if I had been wearing a sensor, I probably would’ve given the site a chance, knowing that my CGM would alert me if the site did indeed fail. But last week I decided to take that sensor break, and I wouldn’t be starting my new sensor until this morning. (I like to leave them in overnight before I put in my first calibration.) Of course, there is also the option of just checking my blood sugar frequently for a few hours to determine if the site is working or not. But I’ve been having a rough time lately, struggling with some major depression, and I just didn’t want to worry about increased sugar checking. So, I decided the best thing to do was to go with my gut. I pulled the minutes old site and inserted a new one.
So when has your diabetes intuition kicked in? And did you listen to what it said?