Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Harder for Others . . .

dsmaI believe diabetes is hard for everyone, regardless of type.  However, I also believe there are some things that are harder for other types than for me, as a Type 1.  And that is the focus of the #dsma blog carnival this month.  The question is from a September chat that asked “anything easy about living with your type of diabetes that isn’t easy for another type?".

Yes, yes, oh yes!!  I believe there are plenty of things that are harder for Type 2s and people with gestational diabetes and LADAs and every other kind of diabetes.  Don’t get me wrong, Type 1 is hard too.  And some things are equally hard for all types.  But some things are harder for one type or another.

Today I’m thinking of my Type 2 friends and the thing that I believe is tougher for them is STIGMA.  Yes, I’m yelling it.  STIGMA.  I hate the stigma that comes with diabetes.  Diabetes is not anyone’s fault, no matter what type a person has.  And I think sometimes T2s get stigma not only from the general public, but also from people who have other types of diabetes.  It’s wrong and it isn’t fair.  And I wish I could take the stigma away.

This post is my October entry in the DSMA Blog Carnival.  If you’d like to participate too, you can get all of the information at http://diabetescaf.org/2014/10/october-dsma-blog-carnival-4.


  1. Great post, Karen! I'm all for being a stigma-eraser. Great way to look at this subject.

  2. I definitely used to be guilty of perpetuating this stigma before I was diagnosed, and am so glad I have become more aware of this. Blaming individuals for their illnesses is just wrong--not only morally, but usually factually as well. I wish there was better distinguishing of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes though, if only to allow for better understanding of the disease and its treatment by both the public and the scientific community (we don't even have an accurate number of Type 1 diabetics in the US!).

  3. I totally agree. It is hard for us to hear the stigma but at least we know they are just confused and talking about Type 2. It must be even harder to be a T2 PWD and have to here that about the disease you live with every day

  4. Thank you for saying that, Karen. I'm a T2 and I get criticized for everything I do (eating too much, not eating enough, not exercising enough, checking my BS too often or not checking it enough). My experiences have made it harder for me to care that I'm diabetic, but I'm trying to get better at it.


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