Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Renovation

Good bye portable dishwasher and cheap cabinets!!
 I spent the last two days packing up my entire kitchen in preparation for the big kitchen renovation, which starts today!  I’m stressed and busy, but mostly I’m very excited!  We’ll see how diabetes management goes during this very out of the ordinary (for my life, anyway) experience.


  1. Can't tell you how many times I wished I had taken a "Before" photo on home projects. Incidentally, your kitchen today still looks better than mine. Good luck!

  2. How exciting... Can't wait to see the after photos!


  4. Good Luck! I hope it all goes as planned and is a smooth reno!

  5. We still haven't found the cheap wine glasses after packing up our kitchen in December. They're in a box, somewhere...

  6. Its kind of like college all over! By that, I mean you'll be relying on stuff that can be cooked with a hotpot, microwave, blender, toaster oven and as some of your guests have already noted, a crockpot and maybe a few other necessities. I would recommend getting one of those college student cookbooks (there are a lot more of them now than there were back when we were in college, including several dedicated exclusively to ramen recipes) for some ideas; maybe a trip to the local library is a good place to begin since you can borrow them for free. Also, keep in mind that ramen is considered gourmet these days judging by all of the ramen restaurants that have popped up in NYC these days (its high in carbs and fat, but if you stretch it out with a lot of other ingredients, its not so bad), but use more than just the package and some water, add ingredients such as fresh veggies, precooked meats, etc., all of which can be found at your local supermarket. As for cleaning, I don't know if you have a sink in the pantry you can use or maybe another bathroom you can scour and use exclusively for cleaning during the transition.

  7. This is a little late, but good luck with the kitchen renovation!!


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