There are many facets of my diabetes routine that could use some improving, but treating lows had never been one of them. I pretty much had the “low-treat-move on” routine down. But lately, something has changed. I’m in a cycle of “low-treat-treat-treat some more-high-correct-correct-correct some more-low again-repeat-repeat-repeat”. What’s up with that? It’s time for some in-depth analysis, yes?
After some keen observation and deep-down soul searching, I’ve uncovered two causes of my newly developed over-treating addiction. Discomfort and fear. In the past I didn’t mind lows so much. Sure I felt a bit fuzzy and shaky, but it was fine. Lately, however, my lows seem to be accompanied by an indescribable feeling that is, for lack of an actual description, downright majorly sucky. I treat and try to wait it out, but every five minutes feels like five miserable hours. So instead of re-testing after 15 minutes, I find myself eating
a little bit more every five minutes just to make that “OMG make it stop” feeling go away.
You would think uncomfortable and scary would go hand in hand, but for me and my lows that isn’t the case. Or maybe the fear just over-rides the discomfort . . . . I don’t know . . . . it’s not like I’m thinking all the clearly in that situation. All I know is lately some lows have been popping up where I feel like my rational thought and state of consciousness are slipping away. It’s usually when I’m home alone and it always scares the daylights out of me. It sends me to the kitchen determined to eat anything and everything I can get my hands on.
I bet you can guess where both of these paths lead once the low is gone. I’m left with a high blood sugar from hell. I hate to be high. I really really hate to be high. So I correct. And when it doesn’t budge, I start to rage bolus. And we all know where that leads . . . . .
I guess it’s time to check myself in to Over-Treater Rehab. I’ve figured out what makes me over-treat and I know what I have to do to stop it. But come on, when I’m sweaty and shaky and my brain isn’t working right and I feel completely horrible and I’m really scared, calmly eating the correct number of grams feels like the most difficult thing in the world. I know I should believe I can absolutely do it, but I’m pretty sure I can’t. And that is a huge part of what makes diabetes so freaking frustrating for me.