As a teenage girl with diabetes, I developed a strong hatred for medical i.d. For one thing, back in the 80’s medical i.d. was downright ugly and most certainly clashed with my oh-so-fashionable lace fingerless gloves, big jewelry and even bigger hair. Of course, my i.d. disdain went much deeper than that. I suspect the real reason I refused to wear medical i.d. was that it felt like a huge sign hanging off my body reminding me and everyone else that I was different from my friends, at a time when I just wanted to be like all the other teenaged Madonna-wanna-bes.
My teen years are long behind me now, but I still never wear medical i.d. - a fact that got me scolded during the
Diabetes Hope virtual conference. I did buy a cheap silicone bracelet marked “Diabetes” to wear at the gym, but other than that I figured I’d never wear medial i.d.
Well, never say never!! I was contacted by
Lauren’s Hope asking if I’d be willing to try one of their medical i.d. bracelets and write a review. I figured it was about time I acted like a responsible grown woman instead of an insecure gawky teen (even if I still am more insecure and gawky than responsible and adult). As I browsed through the
women’s selections I was surprised at the huge array of styles available to meet everyone’s tastes and needs. I had a hard time picking my favorite but in the end I went with a really pretty stainless steel bracelet (that is unfortunately out of stock for the foreseeable future. Although
this is it in white and also
this one is very similar). I was pleased to find that
Lauren’s Hope also offers a bunch of
different choices for the medical i.d. tags, so I didn’t have to settle for the (ugly to me) red style of years gone by.
Here is my finished bracelet and the tag.

Tara from
Lauren’s Hope helped a lot in suggesting useful info to include on the five lines for the tag. I’ve got my name, “T1 diabetes on a pump”, my parent’s number listed as “ICE” (or in case of emergency), my home number, and NKA (or no known allergies) and instructions to see my wallet card. (Ummm, yeah, which I still need to fill out and put in my wallet.)
So now I have my bracelet, how has it been going? I’m pretty surprised to tell you that I love this thing! I’ve worn it every day. I even tried sleeping in it - it didn’t bother me that night, but by the next afternoon it was really bugging me so that may be a bit of an adjustment. It has been hot here so almost everything touching skin feels uncomfortable but when winter rolls around I’ll try keeping it on overnight again and I have a feeling I’ll get used to it pretty quickly.
I will admit that I’ve taken to wearing the bracelet with the i.d. tag turned in on my wrist, as shown above. I’m not embarrassed to wear medial i.d. but I do like it to look more like “real jewelry”. In fact, the first time I wore it to my parent’s house I kept waiting for my Mom to ask about it. Turns out, she thought it was just a regular bracelet until I showed her the tag. And my Dad, who used to be an Emergency Responder, was glad to see me wearing it because on calls he always checked the wrists first for medical i.d.
My biggest worry now is breaking it, because I’m a pretty big klutz. Luckily,
Lauren’s Hope has a great repair policy:
“Regarding the repair policy, we are proud to have the most generous and comprehensive repair policy in the industry. A medical ID bracelet is of no use to anyone if it's broken in a drawer. If one of our bracelets breaks, we really want our customers to send it in so we can fix it and get it back in use. :)
1. In the first six months, repairs are free. Period. We have only a $7.25 shipping and handling charge, and that's it. Doesn't matter what happened to it; we fix it. We also offer ONE free resizing in this time period, with the same shipping charge. This is super helpful for people who experience a weight change or find that they simply want their bracelet to fit differently.
2. After the first six months, repairs are only $10 plus the same $7.25 shipping and handling charge. Much less expensive than replacing your whole bracelet!
Also, it's important to note that Lauren's Hope allows people to order replacement ID plaques without bracelets and vice versa, something most companies do not allow. This is very important if your ICE (In Case of Emergency) numbers, diagnosis/es, or other information changes and you just need a new tag, not a whole new bracelet.
There are some exclusions. We cannot change a custom engraving once it's been done, nor can we add colored fill to your engraving after the fact. The repair warranty only covers your bracelet or necklace, not accessories such as charms.”
So this girl, who said she’d never wear medical i.d.? She’s not only wearing it . . . . she is loving it. She also might have her eye on a second one that she’ll strongly hint would make a wonderful Christmas gift from her husband! (And she needs to stop referring to herself in the third person because that’s just kind of creepy.) Never wear medical i.d.? Never say never!
** Disclosure: I was contacted by Lauren’s Hope and provided my choice of bracelet and engraved tag at no charge. I was asked to consider posting a review, which I was happy to do because I was obviously very satisfied with the product.**