For those of you haven’t participated before, the idea of Diabetes Blog Week is that bloggers sign up to post about a set topic each day for a week. This way, readers can jump around the D-Blog Community and get a plethora of different perspective on a single topic. This year will be very similar to the last two years. I’ve posted the seven blog topics for next week here - just in case you want to start drafting your posts in advance. Use these topics as a starting point for your post each day and see where it takes you. Write as much or as little as you like. There are no right or wrong answers - just read over the topic and start blogging! I've also included two wild card topics to choose from. If one day’s topic doesn’t inspire you, feel free to post about one of the wild card topics instead!

Of course, the idea for Diabetes Blog Week is that everyone who signs up to participate will post on all seven days. Although that is the goal, I understand that life sometimes gets in the way, so if you end up falling short of seven posts that’s okay. Diabetes can be stressful enough, so let’s keep D-Blog Week fun and stress free!
Once again, the key to making Diabetes Blog Week a success is YOU!! How do you sign up to participate? Well, this year I’m doing sign ups a little differently and I’ve created a form to submit your information. Hopefully it will make things easier and more accurate for all of us.
*****Edited 5/9 to Add: I received an email from someone who got server errors when trying to submit the form. It seems to be working now, but if you have any problems please email me at DBlogWeek@bittersweetdiabetes.com!! Thanks so much***
Fill out my online form.
There is a space on the form for you to let me know if you have any questions, and you can also email me at any time at DBlogWeek@bittersweetdiabetes.com. Once again I will compile a master list of participants so we can easily see who is joining in. I’ll try to update it as often as I can, and it should take no more than 24 hours for you to see your name on the list. I’ve also included daily Link Lists on the Diabetes Blog Week topics page. Be sure to add your blog posts to the corresponding list each day so we’ll have all posts linked in one central location - this makes it easy for people to hop around and read all of the posts. Please feel free to grab the banner or button (or both!!) and post about it on your blog if you’d like to help me spread the word. You’ll find the HTML Codes below, just to make things a little bit easier. If you want to tweet about it to your fellow D-OCers, you can use the hashtag #DBlogWeek!! Together I bet we can make this year’s Diabetes Blog Week the best one yet!!

Thank you, Karen, for creating this blogging week yet again this year. I look forward to reading posts from people I already know and finding even more members of the DOC to share with.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to next week!
ReplyDeletethanks karen! i am sooo looking forward to next week! your 2nd annual d-blog week, is what got me started blogging! i really enjoyed last year, so i'm sure i will love this year's topics!!
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome, I cant wait to get going....
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking about Diabetes Blog Week. So glad to see you're organizing it again! Life is pretty hectic for me right now, but I'm hoping to participate and looking forward to reading all the great posts!
ReplyDeleteI just signed up! Can't wait to give it a go...
ReplyDeleteGreat topics! Thanks for organizing D-Blog Week, should be a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteWOOHOO!!!!! can't wait! :D
ReplyDeleteIt's my first time! Thank you for making this space for us. I can't read enough!
ReplyDeleteI'm in, thanks for doing this!
ReplyDeleteI think it's the same week as gluten free awareness week. I'll have to check
ReplyDeleteGreat idea! Will sign up for at least one. Love reading around on shared topics.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great idea! Unfortunately, I won't be able to participate this year, for several reasons. I will definitely read your blog posts and will find some other blogs, and I will be much better prepared to join in next year.
ReplyDeleteI love your button & banner and they are great ways to let readers know if a blog is participating!