Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cupcakes and Sock Monkeys . . . .

Over the past week or so, it became pretty clear that it was time for a new meter.  After all, I can’t remember how long ago I bought the one I was using, and it gets quite a workout each and every day.  It began throwing weird E-5 errors at me several times a day.  So I knew it was time to send it to the great meter ranch in the sky, where it could run free with its other blood sucking friends.

I was kind of sad though, because my meter got blinged (blung?) out at Friends for Life!!  I was going to miss my happy little stickers.  Unless . . . .

Unless I pick up some fun stickers at Target when I buy the meter!!!  Oh yes!!  My new meter sports a cupcake and a sock monkey - what could be more perfect for me than that?  Sure, I am (supposed to be) an adult.  But let’s face it, all that testing is a drag.  The numbers sometimes make me sad.  Why not have some fun and bling out my meter??  At least I know I’ll smile when I look at it - regardless of what shows up on the screen!


  1. Love those stickers! We have to do whatever we need to, to make this crap exciting. :) (For me, it's a purple meter...)

  2. aw! poor meter. it lived a good life. ;)

    i was with you when you decorated it, too!

    and i'm with Kim- anything that makes you smile or feel better about diabetes is ok in my book. and a cupcake and sock monkey sound perfect to me!

  3. Love it!
    Will have to look for stickers on my next trip to a city.

  4. What a terrific idea -- I see that meter daily, and sometimes I get awfully tired of it. Maybe a little bling will help! Thanks!

  5. I think that is a great idea also. I am going to have to look for some fun stickers next time I go shopping.

  6. I'm tempted to bling mine out with electrical tape, positioned over the readout, and "97" written on it.

  7. Dear Karen, Please follow this link -- you are on my list!

  8. What a great idea! This "adult" is going to shop for meter-worthy bling during the after Christmas sales! Merry Christmas.

  9. I am a sticker NUT!!! You need a kitty sticker for KC

  10. I don't think I've already notified you, but this cold has my head in a spin. I've nominated you for the Kreative Bloggers Award -- can't think of anyone who deserves it more than you. You can find the details at Congratulations and Happy 2012!


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