The second annual
Diabetes Blog Week is over already? Is it just me, or did last week fly by?? Once again, I am so thrilled with how many bloggers got behind DBlog Week and agreed to participate. I am proud of each and every post you guys have put up (even though I haven’t read all of them . . . yet!!) I’ve been crying (in a good way) since I first opened up sign ups - the D-OC is amazing!!
And now . . . . what’s next? For me, I’ll be making my way around the D-OC to read each and every post, and I’ll try my best to leave at least one comment on each participating blog. In the mean time, there are a couple of videos you should go check out. Mike put together
an amazing thank you video for Diabetes Blog Week. (I would like to thank Mike and everyone in the video for taking the time to put it together. And, of course, the thanks go out to everyone who was a part of DBlog Week - the week would be nothing without all of you!) Next, hop over and see Hallie’s
amazing compilation of blogs participating in DBlog Week and her powerful statement reminding us that we are not alone. (Hallie, what a great job you did gathering up all of the blog names / banners for an amazing video!)
Now, some housekeeping and clean up. If you’ll take a look at my sidebar, you’ll see I’ve moved a link to the DBlog Week Participant List over there. I
think I added everyone I heard from, but if you should be on the list please check and make sure you are there. Blogger can eat comments . . . emails get lost in the interwebs . . . and while adding 182 blogs there is a good chance I messed something up!! Or maybe you just forgot to let me know you were in for Diabetes Blog Week. Whatever the reason, if you should be there but aren’t, just email your name and blog URL to
DBlogWeek@bittersweetdiabetes.com and I’ll get you on the list.
You’ll also see the Linky Lists are now in the side-bar. I’ll be keeping them up there so people can refer to them in the future. There have been more than a few instances of spam, which I’ve been trying to keep an eye out for and clean up. In about a week, I’ll be closing the lists to new entries - so if you’ve forgotten to add your links you might want to pop them on the lists this week.
If you didn’t get your posts written during DBlog Week, but still want to do them, please do!!! And don’t forget to add them to the link lists! If you need a post added once the link lists are closed, simply email
DBlogWeek@bittersweetdiabetes.com and I can add it for you. Also, if you are going through the lists and find a link that seems to misdirect or has some kind of error, please let me know and I will fix it.
Several people have asked if I could post one blog prompt each month to keep the momentum going. I like the idea, but I’m quite sure I’d never be able to come up with a great post prompt each month!! However, I do help out with the
Diabetes Social Media Advocacy - or #dsma -
Blog Carnival each month. For those of you not familiar with it,
#dsma is a weekly twitter chat held on Wednesday evenings to discuss various diabetes-related topics. Once a month, we select a topic from one of the past month’s chats and use it to create a prompt
for a blog carnival. Whether or not you are able to participate in the Wednesday #dsma chats, you can (and should) participate in the blog carnival and share your thoughts on the topic of the month. Bang - there you go - monthly blog prompts!! (Check out the
May topic here!!)
Looking ahead to next year, if you have suggestions for post topics or for ways to do things better, please shoot me an email. I’ll be collecting notes throughout the year so we’ll be ready to do it all again next May!
And I guess, **sob**, that’s it. Another DBlog Week is over. Thanks to everyone from the bottom of my bloggy little heart!!