Saturday, March 5, 2011

Share how you use technology!!

I’m popping in for a rare Saturday post to let you know about a survey the fabulous crew at WEGO Heath are running.  They are looing for input on how people are using new technologies for health.  Maybe you turn to blogs for tips, maybe your smart phone is loaded with health apps, maybe you hop on Twitter when you are sick and panicked.   (I know I do all three, and them some!!)

Here’s a little more info about the survey straight from WEGO.
How Are You Using Technology for Health?

WEGO Health is conducting a study on people’s use of new technologies for health and they need your voice to understand the potential of technology to empower patients.
The survey will take about 10 minutes (you can stop anytime & come back later).  All completed survey responses will be entered into a drawing to win an iPad, one of three iPod Touches or one of 200 iTunes gift cards.  Everyone will receive a report on our survey findings.
This survey won’t be open much longer, so jump in now!
Take WEGO Health’s Health Technology Survey:

So go ahead and share your thoughts on health and technology!  You can even win some pretty awesome prizes.  But hurry, the survey is only open until this coming Monday!


  1. Thanks for stopping by. It's funny, I can't stop thinking up designs, some wire just connected. I'm test knitting the next one right now.
    As for being healthy and tech...hmmm. Does my meter count?

  2. Great idea. Im going over to answer.......

  3. i did the whole survey an dforgot to put my email addy in the last step...agggggh

  4. once got my dad enrolled for tele-consultation


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