Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Your Biggest Supporter, Diabetes Blog Week Day 3

Day 3 – Your Biggest Supporter. Sure, our diabetes care is ultimately up to us and us alone. But it’s important to have someone around to encourage you, cheer you, and even help you when you need it. Today it’s time to gush and brag about your biggest supporter. Is it your spouse or significant other? Your best friend, sibling, parent or child? Maybe it’s your endo or a great CDE? Or perhaps it’s another member of the D-OC who is always there for you? Go ahead, tell them just how much they mean to you!

So last night I sat down to start writing today's post, and I didn't get very far.  Part of the problem is that I blogged about this topic two years ago.  My biggest supporter is, of course, my husband.

He's goofy, but I love him.
Since he's such a great supporter, I ran my problem by him.  How do I write a post that I've already written two years ago?  What is really left to say?  His profound response?  "Cut and paste, baby, cut and paste."  Okay, clearly he is not a blogger.  I can't very well come up with a post topic, cajole over 130 other bloggers into posting about that topic, and then simply cut and paste a two year old post into my own blog!!  Not cool!!

That's when it hit me.  More than 130 other bloggers getting the word out and sharing their thoughts during Diabetes Blog Week.  Not to mention the countless others out there reading and commenting on all of the posts.  Web-sites like TuDiabetes and Diabetes Daily who have helped spread the word.  The Just Talking podcast, which had me on as a guest last night.  All those tweets about #DiabetesBlogWeek.  It instantly became clear just who I wanted to thank today for all of their support.

This whole week has felt like a totally awesome dream - one I fear I will wake from at any moment, like Dorothy from Oz.  ("But it wasn't a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there.")  Without all of you, there would be no Diabetes Blog Week.  So today, know that you have my thanks for all of your support.  And give yourself a pat on the back for this awesome thing you have done


  1. Without your suggestion, this week wouldn't have happened. So thank You, Karen!

  2. o my gosh...wizard of oz rocks and so do you Karen!!

  3. Thank YOU! But I have to say, maybe I'm not a real blogger because I totally would have cut and pasted to make a new post!

  4. We owe it all to you, Karen! Thanks for getting this going!

    Wonderful post, btw, and such a good subject today.

  5. Hey - great minds thinks alike! I love it.

  6. It was your suggestion that kicked me into gear in the first place! Thank YOU, lady!

  7. :)

    Thank you once again for coming up with this week - I needed some writing prompts ;)

  8. Thank YOU, Karen. My friends have been wanting DBW (even if they didn't know it) and seem to be enjoying poking around the dark corners of my life w/bigD.

  9. Thank You Karen for getting us all together! I have really loved reading as many posts as I can every day and I have looked forward to writing every morning when I get up. You are awesome!

  10. Many ((hugs)) and Tons of Love to you, Karen!

    I am So proud and overjoyed to call you my friend. :-)

  11. Aww. Thanks to YOU for getting the ball rolling!

  12. My posts this week have been a little, uhm...lame..but I am really enjoying reading so many posts about the same topics...and taking in all the different views. Thank you for putting this together, Karen.

  13. This week is awesome! It is educating the public, AND connecting more people in the DOC. I have read so many new blogs this is so overwhelmingly wonderful! Great idea!

  14. awww - you are amazing. you have done such a grea thing and 130!!! I was impressed with 95, but now you officially rock. :)

  15. ((hugs)) You are awesome Karen!! You totally rocked this idea, and 135 people?!?!?! GEEZ!! No wonder I haven't been getting to bed before 4am everynight! There is not enough time in the day to read all these blogs!!

    GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!

  16. Karen-
    Because of you, I've learned so much about the bloggers I already call friends, and have been introduced to other fantastical dbloggers!
    Kelly K

  17. I love this Karen and you support us as much as we support you. The OC is awesome!

    <3 LYLB

  18. And your "hubba-hubba" ROCKS!

    kelly k

  19. Love your hubby's response! You've got a great guy by your side there!

    So, I had to take the one and only wild card subject today - as I was really stuck. I've pretty well been a lone ranger most of my D life - sometimes feels weird opening up myself to the world - but heck - it's cheaper then a shrink!

  20. amazing 131 blogger as fun...thank you for sharing this idea it's just what I needed!!

  21. Hey...newer blogger here...and feeling like an eff-in loser...I totally "cut and pasted" on the LOW post yesterday. I am sooo with your husband on that idea -haha.

    I am truly grateful for the "inner circle" ...the "diabetes on-line community" ("DOC") or whatever the name may has helped me feel not so alone.

  22. Without you there wouldn't be a diabetes blog week! Thank you for putting it together! You rock! Your husband is blessed to have you.

  23. I sure do love you two. Pete is such an awesome guy, and so much fun to hang out with. I often miss the time we spent with that AWESOME waitress at Dennys! :-)


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