If I use the term "hate to sound like a broken record" would I be dating myself? After all, in these days of CDs and instant music file downloads, who listens to records? Surely there is a more current term. (There is a more current term, and don't call me Shirley.)
Anyway, I hate to sound like a
Pete and I have both felt like we are fending off some kind of germ this week. But I know that's only a part of my lack of energy and blood sugar mess. I know I need to get back to regular exercise. I know exercise helps my body process my meals better. It also helps me use my insulin better. I don't see the big spikes after meals when I'm exercising. So why can't I get myself to do it? Am I just lazy?
I need help. I need your best exercise tips and inspiration. I don't want to keep writing this post over and over again!
I am in the same boat, I go to the gym one day and feel amazing and can't wait to do it everyday, but then I miss the next week at the gym. I park a little further from the store or wherever I am going so I can get a few more steps, but if you do it everytime, it adds up to a lot of steps. Go to the mall and just walk around the mall.
ReplyDeleteCan't help you - I'm in need of getting back to it myself!