Once again, it's time for Meme Monday.
Once again you get to read a bunch of boring stuff about me . . . but after all, I guess that's why it's called a "meme".
I grabbed this one from Kerry Knits.
1. Can you cook?
Yes, I can. And I really enjoy it - most of the time.2. What was your dream growing up?
Hmm, nothing really comes to mind. But I know I wanted to be married (check) with two kids (not yet . . .).3. What talent do you wish you had?
There are lots of talents I wish I had. I would love to be able to sing . . . on key. I'd love to be able to figure skate. I'd like to be really good at ballroom dancing.4. Favorite place?
Anywhere my Sweetpea is.5. Favorite vegetable?
Asparagus.6. What was the last book you read?
I'm reading three books right now - the new Yarn Harlot book, a Stephen King book, and a book on cat care by the Humane Society. But the last one I finished? I'm not sure I remember. I don't read as much now that I knit.7. What zodiac sign are you?
I'm a Gemini.8. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings?
Just one piercing in each ear. I've always wanted a tattoo, but I'll probably never actually get one.9. Worst Habit?
Procrastination.10. What is your favorite sport?
Figure skating. And YES, it is a sport!11. Is a glass of water half full or half empty?
It's usually half empty and I want to know who the hell drank my water!!12. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me (after we called for help, of course)?
Freak out because I'm claustrophobic!!13. Would you share an embarrassing moment with me?
Oh gosh, there are so many, how do I pick? How about this one. My friends and I were chatting at the Christmas party we threw this year, and we were discussing cooking lobsters. My friend said he steams them instead of boiling then. I wondered, out loud, if when you boil lobsters it's the heat that kills them or if they drown in the water. Yeah, everyone had a good laugh at me!14. Tell me one weird fact about you.
Oh again, how do I pick? Is it weird that I find vacuuming up dust balls and polishing until the house shines to be a comforting and centering activity? They say "Knitting is the new yoga", but I think "Housework is the new yoga".15. Do you have any pets?
A wonderful cat named K.C.16. Can you read a book upside down?
Yes, but why would I want to?17. What time is it where you are now?
8:55 am.18. Who was the scariest fairy-tale/children movie hero ever for you?
Scariest hero? I guess little tiny Thumbelina and her adventures were kind of scary.19. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
I'd have the body of a swimsuit model.20. Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
Unfortunately, I'd probably be your conscience.21. What color eyes do you have?
Boring brown.22. Ever been arrested?
Nope.23. A cop or a robber?
Neither, I think.24. If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
Take a fabulous vacation and re-do the kitchen.25. What kind of bubble gum do you prefer to chew?
I don't really chew BUBBLE gum. Just mint gum of the non-bubble variety.26. Favorite fast-food restaurant?
McDonalds.27. Do you believe in ghosts?
Absolutely, I do.28. Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
KNIT. (duh)29. Do you swear a lot?
That's none of your #*&^(!$* business.30. Biggest pet peeve?
When people pop their gum. That drives me absolutely bonkers.31. In one word, how would you describe yourself?
Okay, if you've read all the way through my boring list of freaky facts, I think you should post this meme on your own blog. Let me know, so I can come read your answers.
I can't believe you hate people popping thier gum!! I cannot STAND IT!!
ReplyDeleteI was telling my sister about it the other day becuase this lady in the waiting room was doing it for over an HOUR. My sister had no idea what I was talking about, about 2 days later we were somewhere and someone started doing it. She now cannot stand it either! I hope K.C. is doing better!
I love your Meme Mondays.
ReplyDeleteAnd you are far from average my dear. ;-)
I just may post this Meme, just for fun.
Hope all is going well.
Of course, I had a good $#@%ing laugh over #29 ;P
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree with CALpumper, you are definitely above average!
I bought asparagus at the supermarket earlier... I love asparagus! I especially like it grilled with just a little olive oil, so I can't wait until it's a little warmer so we can grill.
Not boring at all - I like #13 the best.
ReplyDeleteI agreed with so many of your answers!! I also wanted to be married with 2 kids, and am married, but no kids yet. :) Plus I am gemini to! I laughed a lot while reading your survey. I'm glad you posted it! I think I'll post it on my blog to!