Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bionic at the Airport . . .

I'm not all the crazy about flying, so the fact that I made it all the way to California last week was quite an accomplishment.  I guess it's not the actual act of flying that makes me the most nervous.  It's more the stress of the things leading up to flying.  Getting all of my supplies packed and ready.  Getting to the airport on time.  Getting through security.

Oh yes, getting through security.  That's extremely stressful when you are "part bionic".  The sharp pointy stuff in the carry on.  (This time I'm referring to diabetes supplies, as well as knitting needles.)  All that "hardware" attached to my body.  It always makes me nervous.  The security personnel have an important and tough job and I want to make things as easy as possible for them, as well as for myself.

Luckily, I was whisked right through without a problem (although Pea was stopped both times, imagine that!).  Here's what worked for me.

I packed all of my diabetes supplies in one big Zip-Loc bag.  Infusion sets, wipes, sensors, lancets, test strips, insulin, inserters . . . you name it, it was in there.  My insulin had my prescription printed on the box.  I removed this bag from my carry-on and placed it in a bin to go through the scanner.

Then, I turned my CGM off but left the transmitter and sensor taped on.  I removed my pump and put it in my purse for the ride through the scanner.  The whole process took only a few minutes, so my pump was off for less time than it takes me to shower.   There was no impact on my blood sugars, and no alarms from the metal detector.

Once through security, I gathered my things, connected my pump and turned the CGM back on.  Easy as pie.  I know some people prefer to keep their pump on while going through security, and I've heard they may or may not set off the metal detectors.  As with most things regarding diabetes, you have to decide what works best for you.

Now if we could just do something about those bumpy airplane landings . . .


  1. I always wear my pump right through security and have never had it go off. I do not have CGMS but it seems that works okay so I am not even sure you need to disconnect. I wear the 722 so you should be good.

    BUT better safe then sorry.

  2. Bionic, that made me laugh.

    Same here George, I leave my pump on, I get looks, "Take of your pager please." and the like but the metal detector has never gone off.

    I did the same Karen, the clear plastic bag with ALL of my supplies, took it out of my carry-on and placed it in the container. No looks from anyone with that one, hmmmmm....

    Bionic. Man, I Wish.
    I've been asked if I "feel" like a robot because I wear a pump.
    Uh, nah. I feel All too human!!!! I still have to enter every # and amt and carb and change sites and batteries and and and and....

    I am the opposite, I Hate flying for Flying! It's wrong! ha ha! I don't mind waiting as Long as I can preparing, packing, lines before I get on the plane, Then I start panicking!

    I'm just So happy you got to go!

  3. I hate that my legs don't fit in the seats! I swear I had to fold my femur into thirds.

  4. I keep my pump on, tucked into a pocket because the metal clip tends to set off the metal detector. If asked, I simply let the TSA staff that it's an insulin pump and they have me walk through. On rare occasion, the detector beeps and I get wanded, but no big trouble. Even overseas, I can explain that I have diabetes and eventually someone says, "oh, the sugar! my grandma has the sugar!" In this case I let it go.

    A word of warning: my pump came with a big warning that it should NOT be sent through the x-ray machine.

  5. Your trip to CA looks awesome! What fun!

    It's funny--I travel a lot--all around the world and have only once been stopped and asked about my pump (on my trip to London last month where they had to swab it). I just keep my supplies in my purse and don't baggie them up and even keep syringes in there and it's never an issue. Odd, eh?


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