Well, vacation is officially over. We spend a fun week in
Colonial Williamsburg for a Family Reunion with my mother's side of the family. I was sure I had gotten a shot of the 25ish of us all posing together, but I guess my camera was hidden away when the picture was taken. Hopefully some relatives will upload their copies soon! The best I can do is a picture of me and my brother at
Jamestown, with my aunt and uncle in the back.

How can you tell that's me, and that we are related? Why, by the way we are both desperately trying to ignore the camera (and Pea) in the hopes of not getting our picture taken!! Our conversation probably went something like this:
"Is he gone yet?"
"Nope, still there."
"Well for goodness sake, don't look - and certainly don't smile!"
"Why doesn't he just go take a shot of the scenery?"
As great as vacation is, it's good to be home. Am I the only one who loves to go away, but maybe loves to come home even more? It's always so nice to be back in my own house, sleeping in my own bed and using my own clean bathroom where everything is accessible and not stuffed in a travel case. If it weren't for the empty fridge and piles of dirty laundry, coming home just might be perfect.
Another nice thing about coming home is cooking my meals own again. Now, I love a good meal out as much as the next person, but it's always a bit of a challenge. Trying to resist the less-healthy menu options (and in my case, usually ordering them anyway), playing Guess the Carb Count, and punching in
S.W.A.G. boluses with the hopes of covering the mystery carbs just right. After a full week of eating every meal this way, it feels good to come back home to food whose carb count I am 100% sure of.
But as vacations go, things went pretty smoothly Diabetes-Wise. Well, okay, I did get my first ever non-delivery message at breakfast on Monday, which caused a near freak-out. But I caught it when my blood sugar was only in the low 200's, and since I had put in a new site a few hours earlier I knew to just change it out. By mid-morning I was back where I should be. Oh, and there was the night I accidentally gave my site a good whack. It seemed fine, but I woke up a 2 am in the high 200's. Not normal for me. Again, I changed out the site, stayed up for an hour to make sure my blood sugar was heading back down, and woke for good at 7 am with a reading of 72. Crisis averted. The very hot weather and all of the walking we did while sight seeing even afforded me a few treats along the way. (Mmm, fudge, how I've missed you!) All in all, not a bad vacation.
But it's still good to be home.